Poetry doesn’t always have to be deep, serious, or emotional. Sometimes, it can be downright hilarious! Whether you need a quick laugh, a clever rhyme, or just something to lift your spirits, short and funny poems are the perfect pick-me-up. Below are some humorous poems that are sure to make you smile.
1. The Case of the Missing Sock
I put two socks into the wash,
But one was gone—oh my gosh!
I searched the floor, I searched the bed,
Did my sock just grow some legs and fled?
2. The Cookie Thief
I saw a cookie on the plate,
And thought, “I’ll just investigate.”
One small nibble, two, then three,
Oops! That cookie’s now in me.
3. The Alarm Clock’s Revenge
Each morning, with a dreadful beep,
My alarm clock drags me from my sleep.
I hit snooze and turn away,
But it’ll return—I have no say!
4. The Diet That Didn’t Last
I swore today I’d eat real clean,
No more cake, just veggies green.
Then I saw a chocolate pie,
And waved my diet a sweet goodbye!
5. Oops!
I tried to text my friend real fast,
But autocorrect had quite a blast.
Instead of “hi,” it typed “a pie,”
Now they think I bake, oh my!
6. The Wi-Fi Woes
My Wi-Fi’s down, my world is ending!
No more memes, no more sending!
I’ll have to do something old and boring,
Like read a book or go exploring!
7. Laundry Day Troubles
I tried to wash my favorite shirt,
Now it fits my little squirt!
I guess next time I ought to check,
Before I shrink my wardrobe wreck!
8. The Pizza Dilemma
I ordered pizza, what a treat,
I couldn’t wait to have a seat!
But when it came, oh what a sight,
It was gone in just one bite!
9. Grandpa’s Secret
My grandpa says, “I’m young at heart!”
Then tries to run but can’t quite start.
He takes a nap, then takes a break,
And claims that youth is just a state!
10. The Cat’s Master Plan
My cat sits high upon his throne,
Pretending he’s all on his own.
I serve his food, I scratch his back,
And yet he acts like I’m the snack!
Laughter is the best medicine, and what better way to get a dose of it than through poetry? These short, fun, and lighthearted poems are perfect for sharing with friends or simply enjoying when you need a giggle.